City of Sanctuary Sheffield has signed up to the Birmingham Declaration, a statement of principles and demands agreed upon and launched at the 2014 Sanctuary Summit.
Britain has a long tradition of offering protection to those fleeing persecution, many of whom have gone on to make a considerable contribution to our society. It also has a reputation for fairness and justice that is the envy of many other nations. We believe that the great majority of British people are sympathetic towards those who come here seeking help and protection, and commit ourselves to work together to ensure that our country continues to be a safe place for those fleeing persecution and a welcoming place for all people who come here to study, work or join family and who will work alongside us to build a just and fair society.
We commit ourselves today to a core set of principles and asks that will strengthen our collective efforts to protect the rights of strangers amongst us. Through these commitments we seek accountability and justice. These commitments tackle the causes and consequences of the very vulnerable position refugees and migrants find themselves in. They are within the scope of the international protection framework that Britain has been signatory to for decades.
You can read the full text of the Birmingham Declaration here.