In a sentence – A multi-agency hub of advice, information and solidarity
Opening Times-
Wednesdays; 1pm to 4pm (doors close at 3:30pm). No appointment needed.
Address – Victoria Hall, Norfolk St, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S1 2JB
In-depth – The Multi-Agency Drop-In is the advice and information hub for people seeking sanctuary in Sheffield.
It aims to challenge the hostile environment and reduce practical barriers to accessing support by bringing together different agencies in one easily accessible and central location.
CoSS staff and volunteers facilitate the space by signposting visitors to the right organisation for their needs and proveide information and guidance about other support available in the city.
Agencies at the Drop-in:
- ASSIST, support for people who have been refused aslyum
- British Red Cross, Refugee Support team and Family Reunion team
- Chilypep, young people’s empowerment project (monthly)
- Citizens Advice Sheffield
- Clothes Bank, CoSS
- Conversation Club (located at The Sanctuary)
- CoSS Infomation Desk, foodbanks and signposting
- Faces, The Family, Adult Community Education Service (monthly)
- Health and Wellbeing Desk, CoSS
- IDAS, domestic abuse and sexual violence (monthly)
- New Beginnings, education, employment, volunteering
- Open Kitchen Social Club, free hot meal on the last Wednesday of the month
- Parker Rhodes Solicitors (monthly)
- Abtisam Mohamed MP’s office (fortnightly)
- Refugee Employability Programme (fortnightly)
- SAVTE, English language support
- Sexual Health Sheffield
- South Yorkshire Refugee Law and Justice (fortnightly)
- SPRING project for newly granted refugees
Some agencies attend once or twice a month only. Please contact Anna for more information.
Contact – [email protected]